Final CAD

Design for Exoskeleton Leg Support in Fusion 360

Project Overview

Objective:Design a piece in Fusion 360 to hold a leg using Velcro straps, connected to a 2020 aluminum profile, with designated spaces for an IMU sensor and mounting brackets for a linear actuator.

Components and Materials

  1. 2020 Aluminum Profile:

    • Standard aluminum extrusion used for the main structural frame.
    • Provides strength and stability to the exoskeleton.
  2. Velcro Straps:

    • Used to secure the leg to the structure.
    • Adjustable and comfortable for the user.
  3. IMU Sensor Mount:

    • A specific holder designed to securely place the IMU sensor.
    • Ensures accurate tracking of leg movements.
  4. Mounting Brackets:

    • Custom brackets to attach and hold the linear actuator.
    • Designed to provide the necessary range of motion and support.
  5. Linear Actuator:

    • Mechanism to provide mechanical support and assistance.
    • Mounted on the brackets and connected to the structure.

Design Process

Step 1: Setting Up the Fusion 360 Workspace

  • Open Fusion 360 and create a new project.
  • Set up the units (millimeters are recommended for this project).
  • Import or draw the 2020 aluminum profile as the base structure.

Step 2: Designing the Velcro Strap Holder

  • Create a sketch on the appropriate plane where the Velcro strap will be mounted.
  • Design a rectangular cutout or slot that fits the Velcro strap width.
  • Add fillets to the edges for smoothness and comfort.
  • Extrude the sketch to create a 3D part that can be attached to the aluminum profile.

Step 3: Creating the IMU Sensor Mount

  • Identify the placement of the IMU sensor on the structure.
  • Sketch a holder or bracket that fits the dimensions of the IMU sensor.
  • Include mounting holes or clips to securely attach the sensor.
  • Extrude and finalize the shape, ensuring it aligns correctly with the aluminum profile.

Step 4: Designing the Linear Actuator Mounting Brackets

  • Determine the mounting points on the aluminum profile for the actuator.
  • Sketch the bracket design, considering the actuator’s dimensions and range of motion.
  • Include holes or slots for screws and bolts to attach the actuator.
  • Extrude the bracket and ensure it fits snugly on the profile.

Step 5: Assembly

  • Assemble all the designed parts in Fusion 360.
  • Use joints and constraints to simulate real-world movement and ensure all parts fit together correctly.
  • Check for any interference or misalignment.

3D Printing Documentation: Using Cura Slicer with Ultimaker S5

Project Overview

Objective: To design and print 3D components for the exoskeleton project using Cura slicer and Ultimaker S5 3D printer.

Tools and Materials

  1. Cura Slicer:
    • Software used for preparing 3D models for printing.
  2. Ultimaker S5:
    • A high-quality 3D printer used for creating the physical parts.
  3. 3D Design Files:
    • STL or OBJ files created or downloaded for the project.
  4. Filament:
    • PLA, ABS, or other materials compatible with the Ultimaker S5.

Design Process

Step 1: Creating 3D Models

  1. Design Software:
    • Use any 3D design software like Fusion 360, Tinkercad, or Blender to create your models.
    • Save your design as an STL or OBJ file.

Step 2: Preparing the Model in Cura

  1. Open Cura:

    • Launch Cura on your computer.
  2. Import the Model:

    • Click on “Open File” and import your STL or OBJ file into Cura.
  3. Position the Model:

    • Use the move, scale, and rotate tools to position your model on the build plate.
    • Ensure the model fits within the build volume of the Ultimaker S5.
  4. Select the Printer:

    • Choose the Ultimaker S5 from the list of available printers in Cura.
  5. Adjust Print Settings:

    • Choose the appropriate material profile (e.g., PLA, ABS).
    • Set the layer height, infill density, print speed, and support structures as needed.
    • Use predefined profiles for ease or customize settings for specific needs.
  6. Slice the Model:

    • Click on “Slice” to generate the G-code file.
    • Review the estimated print time and material usage.
  7. Save the G-code:

    • Save the G-code file to a USB drive or send it directly to the Ultimaker S5 if connected.

Step 3: Printing the Model on Ultimaker S5

  1. Prepare the Printer:

    • Turn on the Ultimaker S5.
    • Ensure the build plate is clean and level.
    • Load the filament into the printer.
  2. Load the G-code File:

    • Insert the USB drive into the printer or access the file over the network.
    • Select the file from the printer’s interface.
  3. Start the Print:

    • Confirm the print settings and start the print job.
    • Monitor the first few layers to ensure proper adhesion and check for any issues.
  4. Printing Process:

    • Allow the printer to complete the job.
    • Monitor periodically to ensure everything runs smoothly.
  5. Remove the Print:

    • Once the print is complete and cooled, carefully remove it from the build plate.
    • Use tools like a spatula if necessary to assist in removal.

Final Review and Post-Processing

  1. Inspect the Print:

    • Check the printed part for any defects or issues.
    • Ensure it meets the required dimensions and quality.
  2. Post-Processing:

    • Remove any support structures.
    • Sand or trim edges if necessary.
    • Assemble the printed parts with other components of your project.

Making a Cool Box for My Exoskeleton's Electronics

What's the Plan?

I needed a neat way to hide and protect the electronic bits of my exoskeleton. So, I decided to make a custom box using a laser cutter. Here's how I did it, step by step.

Tools and Materials

  1. Trotec Speedy 400 Laser Cutter:

    • This is the magic machine that cuts and engraves stuff with precision.
  2. Makercase Website:

    • An online tool that helps create box designs.
  3. Inkscape:

    • A program for editing and tweaking the design.
  4. Material:

    • I used acrylic or plywood sheets, perfect for laser cutting.

Step-by-Step Process

Step 1: Designing the Box on Makercase

  1. Go to Makercase:

  2. Set Box Dimensions:

    • Enter the size you want for the box (length, width, height).
    • Choose the joint type (finger joints work great for this).
  3. Set Material Thickness:

    • Input how thick your material is (e.g., 3mm or 6mm).
  4. Generate the Design:

    • Click “Generate Laser Cutter Case Plans” and download the SVG file.

Step 2: Tweaking the Design in Inkscape

  1. Open Inkscape:

    • Fire up Inkscape on your computer.
  2. Import the SVG File:

    • Open the SVG file you got from Makercase in Inkscape.
  3. Edit Away:

    • Adjust the design to fit your needs.
    • Add holes for cables, ventilation, and mounting spots for the electronics.
    • Add any labels or engravings you want.
  4. Save Your Design:

    • Save the updated design as an SVG file.

Step 3: Getting Ready for Laser Cutting

  1. Prep Your Material:

    • Place the acrylic or plywood sheet on the laser cutter bed.
  2. Set Up the Laser Cutter:

    • Configure the laser cutter settings based on your material.

Step 4: Laser Cutting Time

  1. Start Cutting:

    • Begin the cutting process and keep an eye on it to make sure everything goes smoothly.
  2. Collect Your Pieces:

    • Carefully take out the cut pieces from the laser cutter.

Step 5: Putting It All Together

  1. Test Fit:

    • Check if the pieces fit together properly.
  2. Assemble the Box:

    • Use glue or another adhesive to assemble the box.
    • Make sure all the joints are secure.
  3. Install the Electronics:

    • Place your electronic components inside the box.
    • Secure them with screws, standoffs, or Velcro.
    • Route the cables through the cutouts and ensure good ventilation.

Design Files

  1. Velcro strap holder
  2. IMU Holder
  3. pivot joint
  4. Mounting Bracket
  5. Final Project
  6. Stl files
  7. Electronics box